Business intelligence solutions are made up of many components, such as reporting, data warehousing, analytical solutions or CRM solutions. -- Article published in Info SRC.SI, Year 2004/Issue 37....
Decision support requires relevant, timely, precise and easily available information. To provide such information, companies must constantly maintain their information systems to ensure that data is available at the right time to the right people who use it for reporting, analyses and making sound business decisions. -- Article published in Info SRC.SI, Year 2004/Issue 39, p. 16-18....
Mobile operators are aware of the importance of information technology to support their business. Large amounts of data that come in every day are stored in data warehouses and are subsequently used for analyses to better understand their customers, improve their satisfaction and increase loyalty (Slovenian mobile operator case study). -- Article published in Info SRC.SI, Year 2004/Issue 38....
While it appeared that we were lagging behind in data warehousing a few years ago, this is not the case any longer as most companies already have solutions in place. More…
Finance 128/2003, 4.7.2003...
The fact that an organization is aware that they want CRM doesn't necessarily mean that it is ready to implement it. Critical success factors, organizational changes and business process adjustments must be considered before embarking on the new journey. -- Article published in Sistem April 2002, p. 18....
Recently there has been increasing talk about CRM or Customer Relationship Management. It appears that this topic is becoming more and more popular. -- Article published in Sistem January 2002, p. 14-16....
Multidimensional data modeling is useful in business intelligence solutions, data analysis and data warehousing. Business users who are not IT specialists find that data structured in a dimensional model is easier to use. Typical multidimensional data models have a star or a snowflake schema. Read the article... -- Paper presented at Dnevi slovenske informatike 2001, Portorož, 2001....